Candid interview with Dr. Nishiyama about a new data visualization platform he uses to analyze objective case performance information.
So I'm Steve Nishiyama. I'm from uh Las Vegas, Nevada. Um I'm a joint reconstruction specialist uh with des or orthopedic center. Um I've been using the core robot now for the last two years. Um It has essentially changed uh my practice entirely and how I see uh knee arthroplasty procedures with the addition of our insights, we're going to be given the capabilities of acquiring data that we've never had before. That is what I see as one of the strongest utilities of these technologies as we move forward as a community or orthopedic surgeon uh in a reasonably busy practice. Um I'm not afforded um many of the resources that maybe some academic surgeons are available to whether it be for research or your own personal edification of whether or not you're doing a good job or not, aside from the patient feedback. Um And the immense amount of information that is gathered uh at the end of a case or during a case uh with the core robot is very well packaged in a single setting uh in that of our insights, it's a revolution that will continue to evolve. Um And I will be able to have this information at my fingertips with a click of a button.